Bulldog Storage

1115 Couchman Drive

Kearney, MO 64060

(816) 903-8008

Storage chart

Unit SizesEquivalent toWhat Unit Will Hold
5×10 (50 sq ft)A Walk-in ClosetSmall amounts of furniture, mattress set, small cycle, or about 100 file size boxes.
10×10 (100 sq. ft)Average size bedroomContents of a one bedroom apartment with appliances, or 200 file size boxes.
10×15 (150 sq. ft)Large size bedroomContents of a two bedroom apartment with appliances.
10×20 (200 sq. ft)One car garageContents of a three bedroom house with appliances.
10×30 (300 sq. ft)Mobile HomeContents of four bedroom home with appliances. Some units have two doors located on each end.